

Release date:


XINGJIAN Technology (Xi'an) Limited Aerospace Parts Surface Treatment Production Project Pre-approval Public Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment

XINGJIAN Technology (Xi'an) Limited Aerospace Parts Surface Treatment Production Project


Pre-approval Public Notice of Environmental Impact Assessment


According to the provisions of "Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment" (Decree No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), our company has completed the preparation of "Environmental Impact Report on Aerospace Components Surface Treatment Production Project of XINGJIAN Technology (Xi'an) Limited" to be submitted, and hereby we will publicize the full text of the report and the description of public participation.




I. Access


The public need to check the environmental impact report and public participation statement (link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1oqwrJCCbbX7cpc7npMhXPg extract code: croa), or by phone, visit and other ways to contact the construction unit or EIA unit.




Contact information of construction unit and EIA unit


Construction unit: XINGJIAN Technology (Xi'an) Co.


Contact: Zhong Kaihua Tel: 0574-88266806


Address: Equipment Manufacturing Surface Treatment Center, No.111 Qingyi Road, National Aviation High-Tech Industrial Base, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China


EIA Unit: Xi'an Luda Environmental Protection Technology Co.


Contact: Mr. Cui, 029-82512291  


Address: Cross of Mining Road, Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China


Zip code: 710032 E-mail: xaluda@163.com

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