

Contact Us

Adhering to the corporate culture of practicing what we preach, we are willing to work with our partners for mutual benefit and win-win situation.

XINGJIAN Technology Co.,Ltd.

528 Henggu Road, Shiqi Street, Haishu District, Ningbo


sales@nbxj.com            xj@nbxj.com

Leave a message for consultation

If you are interested in our company`s plan, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.



Options of interest*

Space program
Aviation scheme
Ship scheme


贵定县| 合肥市| 辽源市| 丹东市| 滨州市| 香格里拉县| 合山市| 昌平区| 东兴市| 班玛县| 洛阳市| 商都县| 屯留县| 武定县| 罗田县| 伊川县| 德保县| 城固县| 夏河县| 马鞍山市| 沅陵县| 全州县| 满洲里市| 建平县| 开化县| 太湖县| 锦屏县| 大悟县| 永寿县| 仲巴县| 朔州市| 乐安县| 康乐县| 湘西| 宜都市| 丁青县| 濮阳市| 封开县| 察隅县| 白河县| 安化县|